Mythical Beasts

                    Mythical beasts were on shields. They were art in cathedrals, in tapestries, and in stories and myths. There was a dragon and a griffin. The dragon was imagionary. It looked like a crocodile with wings. It had extremely sharp claws and it breathes fire. It symbolized death and sin. It was feared. The griffin was imagionary. It had the head and wings of an eagle. It had a lion body and a serpent's tail. The griffin was also known as a gargoyle. There is also a phoenix and Grendel. The phoenix was an imagionary bird. It lived in Arabia. Every 500 years it cloaks itself into fire. The flames create another phoenix. The phoenix symbolized importance and resurrection. The Grendel was the son of Cain. It was lizard-like. It had talons and a horrific smell. He was imagionary. It was vicious and ugly. In the Battle of Beowulf he was killed. The people from the Middle ages loved stories.