
                There was a heavy use of spices in the Middle ages. Ginger, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, and saffron are some of the spices they used. Fish, mutton, and beef were salted. Recipes weren't written down. Transportation limited the variety of foods. Peasants ate what they could get. Herbs and spices were used on old meat to help the taste. In the castle the peasants planted veggies. Grains were raised in the fields. They also planted fruits. A favorite was nuts. Meat was salted or smoked. A common meat in the Middle ages was pork. They even ate pigions. A sweetener was honey. It was used in cake. Wine, mead, and ale were drinks. Mead is a drink made from water, honey, malt, and yeast. Goat and cow milk was turned into cheese. Salt was important. They ate with their hands.


            Wealthly lords use goblets and gold, silver, or pewter plates. Non-important guests used wooden platters or wooden goblets. Above the person in the picture is wealthy because they are using a metal plate and not a wooden plate. They celebrated holidays and special occasions at feasts. Feasts were important.