
            The games that were played in Medieval Europe were the same games played in Rome and Egypt. The games were dice, checkers, knucklebones, and marbles. The children played dolls, whistles, and little dishes. Later in the Middle Ages chess and cards began to be played. Tables. Nine Men's Morris, Alquerques, Fox & Geese, Philosophers Game, Hazard, and Shovelboard are games that we haven't heard of.


            The gladitorial games were played. Men fought animals. Horse and chariot races were held in circuses. Armed knights fought in tournaments. The tournaments entertained the king and queen. The public enjoyed them, too. Sometimes the knights were killed. They fought on horses. Some outdoor sports are bowls, colf, gameball, hammer, hurling or shinty, wrestling, horseshoes, quarter, skittles, and stoolball. 